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Tip Jar

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The Tip Jar: Rewarding Support for Your Creations

The Tip Jar in SL Colonies is an essential tool for creators and roleplayers alike, allowing you to receive donations and tips in various currencies. Whether you’re a performer, a shop owner, or simply someone who appreciates the generosity of others, the Tip Jar is a versatile and customizable way to engage with your community and earn support.


Key Features

Customizable Design:
The Tip Jar is fully modifiable, allowing you to adjust its size and appearance and even replace the default mesh with your own. Whether you prefer the default chest design or want to integrate it with other objects, the Tip Jar can be tailored to suit your specific aesthetic needs.


Multi-Currency Support:
By default, the Tip Jar is designed to accept tips in Linden Dollars (L$) and SLC coins. Additionally, if you have created your own currency within your SIM using the SL Colonies Coin Mint, you can configure the Tip Jar to accept it as well. This flexibility makes it a perfect fit for a wide range of in-world economies.


Interactive Tipping Process:
Players can tip in different currencies through a simple interface. For Linden Dollar donations, players right-click and select “Pay.” For SLC coins or other custom currencies, a short left-click allows them to choose the currency and amount they wish to tip. This straightforward interaction ensures that tipping is accessible and easy for everyone.


Owner Control and Customization:
As the owner of the Tip Jar, you have full control over its settings and scripts. You can customize the hover text, welcome messages, thank-you messages, and more. The scripts are also modifiable, allowing advanced users to tailor the behaviour and interaction of the Tip Jar to their liking.


Security and Script Management:
The Tip Jar provides options for script management and security. You can reset the scripts from the content tab or via the owner menu, ensuring smooth operation. Additionally, you can set permissions to control who can use or modify the Tip Jar, maintaining order and security within your space.


Using the Tip Jar

Placement and Setup:
Rez the Tip Jar in your desired location within SL Colonies. Once placed, configure the permissions to allow it to take payments from players. Remember, it won’t take money from your account—this setup simply allows others to pay into it.


Modifying the Tip Jar:
If the default design isn’t to your liking, you can unlink the mesh from the invisible box and replace it with another object of your choice. Be sure to resize both the lid and the body if you choose to alter the dimensions, maintaining the visual balance of the jar.


Receiving Tips:
Players can tip you by right-clicking the Tip Jar and selecting “Pay” for Linden Dollars or by left-clicking to choose a different currency. The money or coins are directly transferred to your account, with the Tip Jar tracking the total tips received.


Customizing Messages and Hover Text:
Owners can easily edit the welcome and thank-you messages that players see when interacting with the Tip Jar. This personalization allows you to communicate your gratitude and create a more immersive experience for those who tip.


Enhancing Your Roleplay and Income

The Tip Jar is more than just a container for donations; it’s a key element in fostering interaction and support within your SL Colonies experience. By providing a customizable, easy-to-use tool for tipping, the Tip Jar enhances both roleplay and economic activity, making it an invaluable addition to any player’s toolkit.


Depth of Engagement

Incorporating the Tip Jar into your SL Colonies environment adds a layer of social and economic depth. Whether you’re running a shop, hosting events, or simply enjoying your in-world experience, the Tip Jar ensures that your efforts are recognized and rewarded by your community.



The Tip Jar is fully customizable, allowing players to use any mesh model they desire for their land. This means that the Tip Jar can seamlessly blend with the aesthetic of any land, making it a functional and visually pleasing addition to your space.


Price and Purchase

The Tip Jar is available for purchase at our in-world store. Visit http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Noru/54/91/3901 to get your own Tip Jar and enhance community engagement on your land.


Tutorial: How to Use the Tip Jar

Watch the tutorial video below to learn how to effectively use the Tip Jar and maximize its benefits on your land: